Next quarter VAT payments deferred in UK

Rishki Sunak announced VAT deferring

On March 20, 2020 UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak announced about large aid for UK business and employees.

This is video with full announcement:

Here are some important citation from this announcement:

“<..>Today I can announce it for the first time in our history the government is going to step in and help to pay people’s wages. We’re setting a new coronavirus job retention scheme.
Any employer in the country. Small or large, charitable or non-profit will be eligible for the scheme. Employers will be able to contact HMRC for a grant to cover most of the wages of people who are not working but are furlough and kept on payroll rather than being laid off.
Government grants will cover 80% of the salary of retained workers up to a total of 2,500 pounds a month. <..> Scheme will cover the cost of wages back dated to March 1st and will be open initially for at least three months<..>”

“<..>I can announce today that the coronavirus business interruption loan scheme will be interest-free for 12 months<..>”

“<..>I am also announcing today further cash flow support through the cash tax system to help businesses pay people and keep them in work I am deferring the next quarter of VAT payments. That means no business will pay no VAT from now until the end of June. And you’ll have until the end of the financial year to repay those bills<..>”

“<..>That is a direct injection of over 30 billion pounds of cash to businesses equivalent to 1.5% of GDP<..>”

UK VAT after Brexit

UK VAT Calculator

After last week’s UK referendum a lot of people are worrying that will happen with VAT system in UK and EU. Because of so many trades between UK and continental Europe it can be mess. At the moment UK VAT rates are regulated by EU laws and VAT rate can not be less then 15%. There are other VAT requirements which UK is obligated to comply as EU state.

It will take some time until changes will be done and it will depend on the deal UK will manage to make with EU. But it definitely will impact UK import/export as goods won’t be able to be transported as free as it is done up to date.

What can be done right now? Nothing. We just need to sit and wait until UK and EU parliaments will make some decisions.