Hungarian VAT calculator

Welcome to free online Hungarian VAT calculator. It can be used as well as reverse VAT calculator to calculate VAT values in Hungary.

What is VAT rate in Hungary?

Current VAT rate in Hungary is 27% for most goods and services. This is highest VAT rate in European Union. There is reduced VAT rate (18%) and super reduced VAT rate (5%) for some goods and services.

Value Added Tax in Hungarian

Value Added Tax in Hungarian is általános forgalmi adó and abbreviation is ÁFA.

Hungarian Value Added Tax history

YearReduced rateStandard VAT
19880% | 15%25%
19930% | 6%25%
19950% | 12%25%
20045% | 15%25%
20065% | 15%20%
20095% | 18%25%
20125% | 18%27%